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Comments (6)

Coppin - 22 May 06:52

Je suis absolument sans complexes! Je veux a toi, a vous. Tu Pourras baise dans n’importe quel trou.

Bibi - 5 December 20:59

Mais comment tout cela fonctionne-t-il?

Goethals - 14 October 21:18

I can avoid menstruation?

Gerri - 15 September 04:16

nice tits

Susana - 11 October 14:11

Beautiful smooth fat cunt. I'd love to eat her while she jerks in public

Wiley - 3 June 15:07

Listen, people can self-identify however they choose. Here is my thing. I feel like we sometimes go in circles. The Puertorican Rattlesnake made a very salient point about how sometimes we can grind a word into fine powder and fight over the dust. I think there is a lot of room in words and and phrases. I feel like the inability to understand that leads to the proliferation of terminology.